Piedmont Considering New Regulations for Wrecker Services

Piedmont city leaders could soon impose a series of regulations regarding wrecker services working within the city.

If approved, the council will require towing companies on the city’s rotation schedule to meet all the qualifications set forth by the State of Alabama, such as having proper equipment and insurance, as well as maintaining a business location within the City of Piedmont’s police jurisdiction.

Currently, no such regulations exist in Piedmont.

The proposal comes in part as a result of Charlie Fagan, owner of Fagan’s Wrecker Service, bringing the lack of rules to the council’s attention.

According to Fagan, his wrecker service, which has operated for 47 years, is the only one in Piedmont that currently meets the state regulations. “I feel like it’s time everyone else does the same,” said Fagan, adding that a “wrecker company should have a wrecker. We’re the only one. No one else on rotation has one.”

Fagan also claimed that some of the other companies may not even be insured or have proper tags on their trucks. Fagan told the council that if a wrecker service without insurance were to damage a vehicle or a truck’s payload, which can sometimes be valued at over $1 million, the city could be held liable.

Additionally, according to Fagan, one towing company that city leaders were considering using isn’t even located within the city.

Police Chief Freddie Norton later responded that “The whole problem is I have nothing on paper to deny anybody.”

The council expects to vote on the new regulations at the next meeting. You can view a proposed draft below.

In other business, bills for payment were approved in the amount of $170,536.59.

The next regular Piedmont City Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 16th, following the work session, which is set for 5:30pm.
