Cedar Bluff Town Council Meeting, June 13th 2022

Shelby Peterson, Regional Planner for the East Alabama Planning Commission, kicked off the Monday evening planning meeting of the Cedar Bluff Town Council. Mayor Tammy Crane asked Peterson to discuss the Flood Zone and Lakefront Recreational Overlay Zoning District with the council.

An overlay zone is a zone that is applied over one or more previously established zoning districts, establishing additional or more strict standards or criteria for covered properties, in addition to those in the underlying zoning district.

The current debate entails whether a commercial campground can built within a rural residential zoning area.  Two areas, one on County Road 131, and another on County Road 595 were brought up in the meeting, but nothing has been filed for a campground in either of those places as of yet.

This discussion is still on going.

Also in the town planning meeting, a recent audit showed that there should be a cap on health insurance upon retirement for those that have worked for the town for over 25 years.  It was decided in March of 2020 that the town would pay for a portion of health insurance for retirees that had been there for 25 years or more, sparked by an employee that was going out on retirement.  The health insurance per month for the individual at the time was $494, but later increased to $1,141 a month.  Auditors are saying because they didn’t cap the amount, it is considered a liability to the town.

They discussed changing the policy moving forward, but was tabled for the next meeting in order to consult with the town’s legal council.

In the regular meeting at 5:30pm, the May minutes were approved, along with the May Financials.

The police report was given by Police Chief Brody Moses.

Country Financial, in association with “Helping Heroes”, donated $1,000 to the Cedar Bluff Police Department at tonight’s meeting.  This money will go towards the purchase of a bullet proof vest.

The council then approved three temp positions with the Volunteer Fire Department, and approved the surplus of several items the fire department no longer uses.

The Basketball Court is also getting a face life and will be expanded.  Read the full story here.

And finally, Sgt. Chris Vaughn was honored at tonight’s meeting.  Click here for the full story.

The next Cedar Bluff Town Council meeting will be on Monday July 11th, 2022.



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