Watch now: “Spider-Man: Homecoming” trailer shows Peter Parker's in over his web-head

Marvel Studios – 2017(NEW YORK) — The second trailer for the new Spider-Man movie — Spider-Man: Homecoming — just debuted.

The new footage rounds out a bit more of the plot: as shown in Captain America: Civil War, Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark/Iron Man has retrofitted Tom Holland’s Peter Parker with a Stark tech-filled Spidey-suit to compliment his powers.  But the eager Avenger wannabe soon finds himself in over his head, thanks to Michael Keaton’s Adrian Toomes, who becomes the fearsome flying suit-wearing villain, Vulture. 

Peter Parker finds this out the hard way after trying to bust some baddies on board the Staten Island Ferry: Vulture blasts the passenger-filled vessel in half with an energy weapon, forcing Spidey to try to lace it together with his webs, and his strength alone.

After Iron Man comes to the rescue, Stark admonishes him. “What if someone had died?!,” he says, before telling Peter he wants the suit back. “I’m nothing without this suit!” Parker protests, to which Stark says, “If you’re nothing without the suit, then you shouldn’t have it!”

Spidey then apparently goes at it alone, trying to take on Vulture and Bokeem Woodbine’s baddie, Shocker.

The clip also shows how the high schooler’s super-heroic extracurricular activities are affecting Parker’s friendships, and his relationship with his Aunt May, again played by Marisa Tomei.

Spider-Man: Homecoming opens July 17, 2017 from Marvel Studios and Disney, the parent company of ABC News.

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