Down to a Science: Jessica Alba Encouraging Daughter Honor's "Nerdy" Pursuits

Getty Images via ABC(NEW YORK) — Jessica Alba is arguably one of the most glamorous actresses in Hollywood, but she says her daughter Honor doesn’t want any part of magazine covers — unless it’s Popular Science, that is.

Alba explained to Kelly Ripa and her co-host Anderson Cooper last week that she’s proud that eight-year-old Honor, her daughter with husband Cash Warren, is, quote, “into nerdy things.” 

Alba explained she wants to “encourage” Honor’s pursuit of “science” and nerdy things,” adding, “it’s so much better than, I don’t know, princess [stuff].”

The actress and Honest Company entrepreneur explains, “She was like, ‘So, Mom, I’m not like one of those girls that wears pink, and only wants to twirl in a dress, and cares about getting married. I’m more the girl who wants to play tennis and always has my hair in my face…and I don’t talk that much, and I really like to do science.’ And I was like ‘Cool!’

Alba joked, “I literally spent a year on Pinterest trying to find out how to put together a science birthday party for her.”  She explained, “After I turned 21, celebrating my own birthday just isn’t quite the same…So instead, I channel all of my birthday energy into my kids’ birthdays.”

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