Clinton Hits Trump with Attack Ad Featuring Veterans

ABC News(NEW YORK) — Lashing out at the GOP candidate for what her campaign says is his “continued disrespect for veterans and military families,” Hillary Clinton released an attack ad Tuesday featuring images of wounded veterans.

The ad plays snippets of Trump’s speeches, beginning with one in which he refers to John McCain as a “war hero because he was captured,” and says “I like people that weren’t captured.”

The spot also shows footage from Trump’s interview on ABC News’ This Week, where George Stephanopoulos asked the candidate what sacrifices he’s made for his country, to which Trump replied, “I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices.”

The ad is being rolled out as both Clinton and her running mate Tim Kaine are scheduled to speak about national security. Clinton will make remarks Tuesday at a rally at the University of South Florida in Tampa, while Kaine will give what the campaign is calling “a major national security address,” in Wilmington, North Carolina.

On Wednesday, both Clinton and Trump will participate in the Commander-in-Chief forum sponsored by Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America in New York City — their first joint event of the general election campaign.

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