Joe Biden to test waters with voters in South Carolina

ABC News(CHARLESTON, S.C.) — Former Vice President Joe Biden will have an opportunity to test the waters with African American voters in South Carolina — a group that represents a large component of the Democratic electorate in that region — as the three-time presidential hopeful heads to the Palmetto State on Saturday.

It is also a state and a voting bloc that could prove critical if he hopes to capitalize on the type of multicultural support that helped President Barack Obama win the White House.

Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., who’s known as a political kingmaker in the state said so far, Biden is the candidate to beat.

“I have talked to people here in South Carolina, and I believe that at this point in time Joe Biden is probably the leader,” Clyburn said on ABC’s This Week Sunday morning.

Biden has long ties to the Palmetto state due, in large part, to his friendships with late Senators Strom Thurmond and Fritz Hollings.

Just weeks before Biden entered the 2020 race, the former vice president was in South Carolina to eulogize Hollings, whom Biden credited with convincing him to stay in the Senate after suffering the loss of his first wife and infant daughter in a car accident in 1972.

“I’m Joe Biden from Delaware, by way of Scranton, Pennsylvania, and because of Fritz Hollings, by way of South Carolina” Biden said in his eulogy.

Biden also campaigned for several candidates in the state in the 2018 midterm elections – including gubernatorial candidate James Smith and Biden’s longtime adviser Dick Harpootlian for the state Senate.

Biden arrives in South Carolina with the wind at his back and early frontrunner status in several polls including a poll conducted by SSRS for CNN on the Thursday after he announced which showed 39% of Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents say his is their top pick for the party’s nomination. In that poll, he is at least 20 point ahead of his nearest rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont.

Biden enters as the early frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, albeit with a decided tilt toward older voters that could define the party’s 2020 contest as a generational showdown. In an open-ended question, 17% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents back Biden, with 11% for Sanders, 5% for Pete Buttigieg, 4% apiece for Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke and Elizabeth Warren and 1 or 2% for Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar and non-candidates Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.

Biden has cast the upcoming elections as a “battle for the soul of America.”

Biden’s campaign will focus on three major pillars – rebuilding the middle class, “the backbone of this country”; demonstrating respected leadership on the world stage; and making democracy more inclusive, by fixing campaign finance, voting rights, and gerrymandering.

Over the next few weeks, Biden will take that message on the road to early voting states, including his visit earlier this week to Iowa, this weekend’s trip to South Carolina and upcoming treks to Nevada, California and New Hampshire, before returning to Pennslyvania for a final kickoff event on May 18 in Philadelphia, with remarks focusing on ‘Unifying America,’ according to Biden’s campaign website.

The crowded Democratic field has hit the state heavily over the past few months including Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, who won roughly 14 percent of black voters in South Carolina during the Democratic primary. His rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, however, won 86 percent of the black vote in the state.

A recent report found that the African-Americans, Asians and Hispanics voting blocks are expected to increase. While, “Whites without a college degree,” a voting block that has leaned Republican, is expected to drop in 2020.

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