Centre City Council meets to discuss the current agenda

The Centre City council met Tuesday February 25th to discuss the current agenda. The planning session began at 4:30 PM with the regular meeting to follow at 5PM. The general meeting was called to order with council members Cothran, Moon, Davis, Howell, Roberts, and Yarbrough in attendance. Council member Kelly was absent from the meeting. Mayor Mark Mansfield was also in attendance.

The first order of business was to approve the meeting minutes from February 11th. A motion was made and seconded the council approved the minutes from the previous meeting. The next issue was creating the position of Public Defender to defend those who were accused of a misdemeanor infraction and are entitled to an attorney but can’t afford one.  Richard Couch the city attorney for Piedmont has offered to be the public defender for Centre. The issue was tabled until the next council meeting.

The council reappointed Billy Wayne McKinney to the water works &Sewer board for a six year term.  The council also approved the invoice for repairs made to the fire engine#14 at the cost of $4,613.29.  They also approved the purchase of a 2024 Chevrolet Tahoe for the police department at the cost of $62,567.50

The Council adopted a resolution to file suit against Ellis Golden to have his property declared as a public nuisance.  The council also adopted a resolution opposing the fishing slot limit which prohibited fish of certain size to be caught.

Mr. Bo Hood asked to reserve City Park on June 21st for the Juneteenth celebration. The motion was made seconded and passed for Mr. Hood to have access to City Park.

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