During the regular meeting of the Commission on Monday afternoon, Josh Summerford and Matt Teal were reappointed to the Cherokee County Communications District to fill 4 year terms.
Jana Chesnut was reappointed to the Cherokee County Library Board and John A. Roberts was appointed to the Northeast Alabama Water and Sewer Authority to fill an unexpired term ending in 2027.
The Commission declared 3 vehicles as surplus and will be sold at the next available public auction.
A memorandum of agreement between the Commission and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division concerning periodic maintenance of road 861 which is a dirt road off Alabama 35 in District 4 was approved.
County Engineer Evan Morgan gave the bid results for materials needed for the County Highway Department: Charles E Watts was lowest responsible bidder on Bituminous Surface Treatments. Vulcan Materials was the only bidder on Hot Mix Asphalt and Micro Surfacing Seal Coat bid went to Asphalt Paving Systems. All these lowest bidders were approved by the Commission.
County Administrator, Daniel Steele, informed the Commission the Administration building is leaking due to issues with the gutter system on the roof. The lowest bid for the repairs was in the amount of $24,487 from Ridgeline Roofing and Restoration. The repair project was approved.
An agreement for the Library to license intellectual property with Older Adults Technology was approved and authorized the Chairman to sign.
The Commission entered into an Executive session to discuss the purchase or sale of property. After a short session, the Commission reconvened with a motion made to authorize the Chairman and County Attorney to negotiate a property transaction.
The next County Commission Meeting will be at 10 am on March 10th.