Sand Mountain Sam Makes His Weather Prediction….
We know….. It is not groundhog day yet…
That is Sunday, but who needs a groundhog? The idea that a whistle pig, woodchuck, whatever you want to call it can predict the weather is simply preposterous, right?
Of course it is. Especially some upity yankee in a top hat….
You simply can’t trust a rodent to do that!
If you want a much more accurate forecast, you must turn the much more reliable marsupial, the Virginia Opossum. That’s right, Sand Mountain Sam!
Not to be confused with a possum….. the Australian critter pictured below:
Crikey! It is cute though.
Interesting enough, speaking of Opossums, they are more closely related to a kangaroo than a rat or racoon! Of course, I think Australians are pretty much so Southerners with funny accents anyway.
The opossum is a beloved part of Southern culture and folklore, it just helps a bit that is is basically what you get if you cross a Kangaroo and James Spann…
I think most know that opossums are known for “playing dead” to get away from a predator, did you know they produce a foul odor to sell the gig? It is a defense mechanism that convinces its enemy that it would be unhealthy to even attempt to make it lunch. I wonder if that tactic would work to avoid an unwanted convo at the buffet after church?
It is also the subject of some myths as well. Did you ever have a great uncle or someone tell you they gave birth through their nose? No? Well, many have believed that tale. The mom would lick the pouch to prepare it for the baby, and often made a sneezing sound. Someone observing this concluded she had sneezed the baby in there!
I am sure a momma opposum would think that is a snake in the grass thing to say!
Speaking of snakes in the grass, did you know Opossums are immune to most snake venom? They are also extremely resistant to rabies. A trash panda can’t say that. That is pretty much a super power. With that and the ability to accurately determine weather patterns, I am pretty sure Opossums are super heros.
Oh yeah, the weather….. we promised Sam Mountain Sam’s Prediction. Well, Super Sam on a rainy day in Boaz, at Bama Buck’s, where he is likely to end up a special if he gets this thing wrong, predicted we will have an early Spring!
I promise it had nothing to do with the fact it was super cloudy and rainy, that he did not see his shadow! Like I said, he is a Super Hero! He is even going to give us a little preview with spring like weather this weekend! If you don’t believe me, you can blow it out your nose!
Happy Opossum Day Everyone….