Cherokee Memory Gardens Cemetery to be Renovated, Restored

Dr. Jeremy Deaton tells WEIS Radio News, a project is underway to renovate and restore Cherokee Memory Gardens to its previous state of beauty and service to the County.

In a social media post, Deaton said they were ready to launch the Holy Spirit’s Restoration Project, Graves Into Gardens.

His post said this is a partnership between Dr. Jeremy Deaton, Breaking Chains International, and Cherokee Memorial Funeral Home.

He indicated work had begun already after the necessary paperwork had been signed and filed with the necessary local and state agencies.

Deaton’s post said the work will be complete in time for the Community Easter Sunrise Service.

The Cemetery has been is a state of disrepair and neglect since 2017 when the previous owners were involved with State and Federal Agencies over past due taxes and illegal activity concerning Pre Need Funeral Arrangements.
