Rome Floyd Planning Commission Offers a Proposed Truck Stop and Convenience Store on Alabama Highway by the State Line in Coosa


A recommendation from the Rome Floyd Planning Commission could make room for a proposed truck stop and convenience store combo on Alabama Highway near the state line in Coosa.

The citizen board voted Thursday to back the requested rezoning of about 7 acres to Community Commercial from Agricultural Residential use.

Planning Director Brice Wood said staff recommended denying the application because it doesn’t conform with the future land use map outlined in the Unified Land Development Code, updated in 2021.

Wood added that the tract is on the slowest growing side of the county, and there are some 160-plus other properties where the project could be built instead. That area of Alabama Highway — Ga. 20 near the State Line Tavern — only sees an average of about 6,930 vehicle trips a day, he said. The bypass on that side of the county sees nearly 12,000.

However, the attorney for the developer pushed back.

“What we are doing is simply what’s permissible by right,” said Brandon Bowen. “It’s just simple fairness.”

But with Anthony McClain as the lone dissenting vote, the majority of the planning commission voted to recommend approval, after getting clarification regarding the ULDC.

Rome architect Bill Jones, who designed the site, said the plan is to incorporate a “dark sky” with the build to ensure fluorescent lighting does not disturb the neighborhood. The planning commission made that feature part of the recommendation.

“It will become a hub for this area,” Jones said.

Five other applications were recommended for approval including a planned 10-lot suburban residential development, two planned pole barns, one on Horseleg Creek Road, the other on Cunningham Road, a storage shed on Morrison Campground Road and a metal building on Pleasant Valley Road.

The Floyd County Commission will have the final say following a public hearing at its Nov. 26 meeting.

The lone rezoning item on the agenda within the city limits is an rezoning request from CC to high Density Traditional Residential on Davis Street.

Rome City Commission will vote on the recommendation at its Nov. 25 meeting.
