City Of Leesburg Town Council Meeting

During the Monday afternoon city of Leesburg Town Council meeting Mayor Brandy Pierce addressed the Council about appointing Officer Austin Peppers as the new Leesburg Police Investigator. This was approved by the Council along with a $ 2.00 an hour salary increase. The Council then approved to post the new Police Officer position for another month because there weren’t enough applicants.

Next on the agenda, the Council passed ordinance 2024-01 to accept the Jared Fleming property into the Town limits as per his request. Mayor Pierce brought forth Daphne Rogers from Extended Family. Rogers spoke about the wonderful things going on at Extended Family these days. She was accompanied to the Council meeting by Extended Family Executive Laure Clemons.

The Council, appointed Jennifer Drake to replace Raymond Brown on the IDA Board. Next up, the Council approved early termination of Advantage Dental’s lease effective August 31st. Along with this the Council approved the new Medical Facility which will take over that vacated office space on a 12 month lease effective September 1st.

The Council approved to purchase $2500.00 worth of Ammo for the Police along with approving one officer to attend SWAT School and pay $385.00 for that class.

Mayor Pierce then addressed the Council about renewing a two year full page ad in New Vision Magazine at a cost of $1795.00. This goes to every boat and travel show. This was unanimously approved.


The next City of Leesburg Town Council meeting will be on September 9th.




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