City of Centre Council Meeting

During the Tuesday afternoon City of Centre Council Meeting, Mayor Mark Mansfield called on Centre resident Ms. Henri Jean Bonner to discuss her displeasure and unhappiness with her neighborhood. Bonner addressed the Council about Appleton Street and Bay Springs road conditions. She told them that water is consistently standing in the ditches and there is a stench of raw sewage when the weather is hot. Roads are caving in on both of the roads. The Mosquito Sprayer doesn’t come around very often. Bonner, also told the Council that 4-5 houses are just terrible with no one living in them. Weeds are so tall that they are drawing many snakes into the area. The Mayor told her that the water in the ditches situation is the Water Department’s responsibility and he would pass their number on to her.  Bobby Paul, the Street and Sanitation Supervisor, told the Council that he would get the grass cut again and temporarily get the water out of the ditches. She was very frustrated with this situation.

Next on the agenda, the Council approved Dolgencorp, LLC a retail beer and retail wine licenses both off premises. The Council then approved $3,299.70 for new conference chairs at the Centre Police Department.

Raymond Matthews, the Building Inspector, addressed the Council and endorsed Fire Chief Robert Pace for the job of the City’s Floodplain Manager. He told the Council Pace is perfect for this job. It was approved unanimously.

The Mayor and Councilor Bess Yarbrough told the Council that Mia Matthews (American Idol Finalist) will sing a song at the intermission of the rodeo. The Mayor and Council will accompany her to the area where this will take place but not sing. This should take place around 9-9:30 pm. Mansfield, stressed that all of the City Employees have worked very hard to make the rodeo a success.

Mayor Mansfield ended his comments telling the Council everything is moving forward with City Hall project and he is very satisfied the way it’s shaping up. All of the contracts have been signed.  Preconstruction is beginning next week.

Then next City of Centre Council Meeting will be Tuesday June 24th.



