City of Centre Council Regular Meeting

During the Tuesday afternoon City of Centre Council Meeting Mayor Mansfield addressed the Council about the quotes for a zero turn commercial mower. The Council approved the bid from Tractor Place on a Cub Cadet for $10,500.

The Council brought forth Jay Wilson, the Centre Parks and Recreation Director, to speak about adding a full-time employee to his crew.  Wilson stressed we’re in survival mode right now. There are 9 ball fields that have to be prepared, with 3000 paid customers in the programs, with 600 kids playing baseball and 109 coaches along with a huge demand for volleyball leagues too. The new employee would be a floater and would work in other departments in the off season.  Mr. Wilson said the pool is daily work. Current employees are working a lot of overtime and working to fix playground equipment. The Council unanimously approved to hire another full-time employee.

Mayor Mansfield addressed to the Council about the importance to advertise for a new fire truck. He said this is a state bid process. If a lease on a fire truck comes up we need this now. Bidding moves fast and we need this delivered also. These trucks go fast. The mayor said we can send the specifications to anyone. This was approved to advertise in the newspaper for a new fire truck.

The Council also approved the additional $ 2,756.49 to S & H Waterproofing for the invoice for Children Advocacy.

In Mayor’s and Council Comments: Mayor Mansfield said the gym floors were being laid. All the Council members commended the hard work of the employees, Councilor Bess Yarbrough  said she appreciates the hard work the Police are doing.

The next City of Centre Council Meeting will be Tuesday March 26th


