During the Monday afternoon Collinsville City Council Meeting Mayor Johnny Traffanstedt wished everyone in attendance Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.
The Department and Committee Report Chief of Police Andy Brown said everything is running smooth. But, the jail needs a few upgrades with the bathrooms and the floors. Councilman David Bowen spoke briefly about the fire truck waiting for new valves for the tanker.
Jill Tidmore, the City Clerk, spoke with Librarian Jennifer Wilkins about hiring a new employee for the library. The Council unanimously approved Shelby Simpson to fill that position. The Library will have an open house on December 4th at 6pm.
Greg Sarabia was not available until December 4th to discuss of ENI Health Equity Plan.
The Mayor also spoke with the Council about the ribbon cutting on Tuesday from 5 until 7 pm at the new Gym at the Collinsville High School.
The Mayor and Council spoke briefly about a Billboard or Informational sign. They really want it but it’s on State land and is very expensive. The Mayor will continue to delve into billboard and try to get the cost down.
Jill Tidmore said the Christmas Tree Lighting will be on the square at 5:00pm and the Christmas Parade will be at 6:00pm on December 9th.
The Next Collinsville City Council Meeting will be Monday December 4th and The December 18th meeting is postponed because of the Holidays.