Cedar Bluff Town Council Meeting on Monday August 17th

The meeting started with Laurie Clemmons  from  Extended Family updating the Council about their progress and the upcoming year asking  the Council for consideration in the upcoming budget.

Tax Specialist Mike Sewell went over the financial statements with the Council. He and the Council will go over training on financial statements in the upcoming weeks.

Bill Warren commented about the popularity and success of Liberty Day. People would like to see the fireworks longer. So, Mayor Crane said they would work on that for next year. She also said they will need more funding  to increase  the amount of fire works.

The Council and citizens spoke about the mosquito truck not in working condition. They need a new truck and sprayer is on its last leg too. The truck is a 1987 Ford Ranger.

Brandon Thompson has a child with Kleefstra Syndrome . Mayor Tammy Crane and The Cedar Bluff Council proclaimed September 17th to be known in Cedar Bluff, Alabama as Kleefstra Syndrome Day. This is a rare genetic disorder 1 in 25,000 people have this condition. People are to wear purple on that day in support.


Which is open The Fire Department apps were approved. Also, the Sunbelt MSA Battery pack quote was 3,650 dollars and  approved. The Fire Department Stand for work lights was approved for 478 dollars. Also, BBQ smoker was approved for purchase for 1700 dollars for the fire department fund raisers. New tasers  for the Cedar Bluff Police Department were approved in the amount of  $ 25,749,23. A light package was approved by the Council from Phoenix for the Police Tahoe for $2,607,81.

Chief Jeremy Stepps gave a lengthy Police monthly status report with 10 Felony arrests in July.

Councilman Bond spoke intently about the verification of to the public now in the field house to the public not just students. The key is at the Police Station. Bond, wanted to know from the Police if this is alright with the state of Alabama.

The next Council meeting will be in September at the Town Hall Council Room.

