Piedmont City Council Meets

The City Council met in regular session Tuesday afternoon. Business expenses for the city were approved for a grand total of $874,536.82.

The council voted to approve Resolution 2022-27 This is the East Alabama Regional Planning And Development Commission’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy or ‘CEDS’ of 2022 . The commission provides services for planning, senior services, urban and rural transit and support in pursuance grants for its member governments. The CEDS document serves as a guide to identify goals, tasks, and other milestone approaches to positively impact economic development in the region. The City of Piedmont herby endorses the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and encourages regional participation and the identification of job creating and business development investments.

The Piedmont police department had a total of 55 arrests on 77 charges for the month of September.14 of those arrests were felony arrests carrying 23 felony charges. Officers issued 22 traffic citations and worked 7 traffic accidents. Officers patrolled a total of 11,663 miles last month, and the dispatch office received 1,839 phone calls.
