Sand Rock’s Foster, Hood combine to one-hit West End in 10-2 softball win

Staff Reports

SAND ROCK – After surrendering two runs on a hit in the top of the first inning on Monday, Sand Rock’s Jadyn Foster settled in to throw three consecutive scoreless innings before giving way to EllaGrace Hood. Hood had three no-hit innings with six strikeouts in the Lady Wildcats’ 10-2 softball victory over West End.

Foster and Hood also helped themselves out at the plate. لعبه بلاك جاك Foster doubled twice, scored a run and had three RBIs. Hood tripled, singled, scored two runs and had two RBIs.

Katelyn StClair added a pair of hits, including a double, with two runs and a RBI. Aliyah King contributed a pair of hits and drove in a run. شرح موقع bet365 Lily Clanton collected a double, a single, a run and a RBI. Emma Sipsey also finished with two hits, a run and a RBI.

Sand Rock hosts Gadsden City on Tuesday at 4:30 p. قواعد لعبة بلاك جاك m.
