DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden announces passing of communications resolution

Dekalb County Sheriff Nick Welden is pleased to announce the passing of a resolution by the Dekalb County Commission, to commit two million dollars in funding for advancing communications in Dekalb County for all responders. Sheriff Welden stated, “We have been working diligently towards the CAD / P25 project since day one.

Like so many other municipalities and counties throughout Alabama, we have suffered through years of antiquated technology and have fought communications shortcoming tooth and nail.

With the implementation of county wide FirstNet cellular communications, we began the process of bridging the gap and working together with our response partners to find immediate solutions that were cost effective and increased safety for responders. These steps have drastically helped our situation but were not designed to solve the problem completely.”

Since that time the Dekalb County Communication Governance Committee was formed under the guidelines of the National Communications Plan. Representatives from all response agencies in Dekalb County make up this committee and have been working for the past year researching and reaching out to other counties and states to develop a streamlined communications plan. This plan will comply with federal mandates, future proof our system, and provide reliable communications for the next generation of first responders.

DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden said: “With the release of the final ruling pertaining to allowable projects under the American Rescue Plan Act, we now have the ability to use funds dispersed from the federal government in order to fix the problems with our communications infrastructure.” 

“Never before have Dekalb County responders come together so dedicated and worked this passionately to make sure all of our needs are addressed as a whole response community. I am so proud to be a part of this community of selfless individuals and agencies that strive to make Dekalb County the best in the state. The Dekalb County Commission has been extremely supportive and I applaud them for taking the initial steps and leading the way in committing the initial funding for this project. It really shows that they truly care about the residents that we all serve by granting us the tools we need to serve them better.”


‘I would also like to thank the Dekalb County 911 Board, Dekalb County EMA, The Dekalb County Hospital Board, DAS, Fire Association, Police Chiefs Association and the Mayors Association for all of their great teamwork and dedication. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to do the right thing for Dekalb County and put us ahead of the game instead of behind. Our Elected and Appointed Officials and Board Members have stood strong and hit a home run for the residents of our communities, cities and towns.”

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