It’s Fine Free Week! Bring back your overdue books between August 1-7 (in the same condition as when you checked them out) and no fines will be charged.
- Green Bag Lunch Program: The library is hosting a monthly lunchtime series of gardening tips and techniques. 3rd Thursday of Every Month.
Your Second Garden: Cold Weather Crops with Master Gardener Tillie Morgan
Thursday, August 20 12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m.
Just bring your lunch—drinks and dessert are on the library!
Next month: Putting the Garden to Bed featuring Master Gardener Janice Knight
- Story Time Programs Fall Storytime begins Tuesday, September 15. Tuesdays at 9:30 (Ages 3-5) and Thursdays at 9:30 (Babies—younger 3 year-olds) Stories, music, crafts, and coloring.
- Reading Around Book Club meets the first Tuesday of the month from 12:00—1:00.
Upcoming selections–
August: The All Girls Filling Station’s Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg
September: Any book by Jan Karon
October: All the Rivers Run by Nancy Cato.
- Genealogy Classes! Track down your family tree with Jessie Whittaker and Louise Wright
Six-week Monday sessions are held throughout the year
Next course begins September 14 (Beginners 10-11, Advanced 9-11, Computers 1-3.)
Sign-up and 15.00 materials fee required; call or visit the library to sign up.
- Art Class with Cloud Farrow Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Bring 2 #2 pencils and an 8 X 10 sketchbook.
- Low Vision support group meets the third Tuesday of the month at 10:00. This meeting is open to the public and features special guest speakers.
Low Vision Speakers and Activities: August 18: Matt Hanes, Director of Support Groups
September 15: CPR with Kevin Ware
October 20: Trip (to be announced)
- Sew Joyful Quilting Circle Thursdays from 10:00—12:00.
- Cherokee County, Alabama Genealogical Society meets the 4th Tuesday of the month from 10-12.