Cedar Bluff Utility Approves Budget For Fiscal Year 2015

The Utilities Board of the Town of Cedar Bluff met in regular session on Tuesday with a number of items on their agenda.

The Board unanimously voted to adopt the budget for Fiscal Year 2015 totaling $638,918.00 which included a fifty cent per hour raise for hourly employees and a $40 dollar per week raise for Manager Jeff Harrell who is a salaried employee.

In other business, the board elected new officers – Ken Blair will continue to serve as Chairman, Cindy Early will remain Vice Chairman, Linda Picklesimer will remain the Treasurer, Marie Kelley will remain the Secretary.

The board also agreed to once again retain Centre Attorney Al Shumaker as the board’s attorney. The Utility Board will continue to use Hindsman, Hall and Storey out of Gadsden as the Certified Accountant.

Others items approved included the Employee Holiday Schedule which remained the same as the previous year.
