Centre City Council Meeting For Tuesday, October 12th, 2021

During the most recent meeting of the Centre City Council, each of the city’s department heads provided quarterly reports for their respective departments.

The council also approved minutes from the previous two meetings in addition to approving expenditures for the month. Also approved were two invoices from Trammell Construction for work performed at the Ed Yarbrough Park.

At the request of Councilmember Kay Davis, the council approved the purchase of some additional flag banners for the downtown area at a cost of $875.00.

The purchase of two new police vehicles was also approved at the recommendation of Chief Kirk Blankenship, both purchase are budgeted items.

At the recommendation of Streets and Sanitations Supervisor Bobby Paul, the purchase of a new pressure washer was approved.

An electrical invoice from Todd Waits Electrical and Donnie Weaver Electrical was also approved.

The annual Trunk or Treat is set for Friday, October 29th, from 6pm to 8pm in the parking lot of Centre PD. The council approved $2,500 to be used toward the purchase of candy.

Mayor Mark Mansfield said that the city has been in talks for several weeks regarding the former Middle School property and at the last school board meeting it was agreed to transfer ownership of the property to the city and the council voted to accept the terms of an agreement outlined in a memoriam of understanding.

Transfer of the property includes the school building, Estes Field and the old gymnasium. Plans are to cleanup and repurpose the entire property.

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