City Of Centre Moving Forward With Annual Fall Festival

The City of Centre says that they plan to move forward with preparations for this year Fall Festival – the decision was made during a regular meeting of the Centre City Council on Tuesday.  Vendor applications are now being accepted by contacting City Hall at 256-927-5222.

In other business, the Council approved step raises for Sherrie Chandler, Betty Foote, Chris Johnson, Paula Walker and Leah Wynn.

At the recommendation of the Alcohol Review Committee the Council approved the license for Retail Beer (off premises) and Retail Table Wine (off premises) for the Kaiser Mart (formally the Express Mart) on West Main Street in Centre.

The Council also approved a general obligation bond payment, the purchase of three garbage dumpsters and the purchase of a sound system to be used at the JFK Building.

Bo Hood was re-appointed to serve another term on the Hatcher Community Center Committee.

At the recommendation of Building Inspector Raymond Matthews the Council is looking into replacing two air conditioning units at City Hall. Matthews will be gathering quotes on the units and will report back to the Council at a later date.

Some discussion was also given to the updated Fire Department Code as pertains to the installation of Knox Box systems; the Council is going to discuss the matter with City Attorney Al Shumaker and report back on the issue at a later date.

A motion was passed to approve the purchase of an Ad in the New Vision Magazine, that in the amount of $1,650.

The Council meeting scheduled for August 25 has been cancelled due to the municipal election.

During a discussion regarding the city parks and recreation program, Mayor Tony Wilkie stated that all city parks and recreational facilities and programs are open and available for use but encouraged to do their part to follow proper health guidelines. The city will be purchasing sanitizing machines to use at each city building used by the public.

You can view the video from Tuesday’s meeting below:

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