Centre PD Introduces Newest Officer During Tuesday City Council Meeting

The Centre City Council received a clean bill of health from auditors during the Tuesday meeting. Johnny Williams with the Frost Group, LLC told the Mayor and Council that the city was in excellent financial standing and “are great stewards of the tax-payers money”. The council also approved the audit fees in the amount of $15,900.

During the previous meeting, bids were opened for the purchase of equipment to be placed on the Fire Departments Engine 11. During Tuesday’s meeting, at the recommendation of Fire Chief Jeremy Lee the council awarded the bid to NAFECO Fire in the amount of $38,878.31. There was one piece of equipment needed that NAFECO did not have, the council agreed to purchase that from Central Alabama Training Solutions in the amount of $13,605.

The council also approved the purchase of a light bar for a 2016 Chevy truck belonging to the Police Department in the amount $2,080.

Step raises were also approved for Betty Foote, Sherrie Chandler, Chris Johnson and Leah Wynn in accordance with the city’s policy.

Centre Police Chief Kirk Blankenship also introduced the newest officer of the department; Officer Trae Storey will be attending the Police Academy along with Officer Emily Troxtel on August 26. Three rookie officers will be graduating from the academy in Thursday putting the department at full capacity for the first time in several months.

Mayor Wilkie also wanted to remind the public that the start of a new school year is coming up soon and that the new officers will be enforcing a Zero Tolerance Policy for speeding in schools zones.

Wilkie stated that this being done to ensure the safety of teachers, students and other motorists especially in the construction zone around the new Centre Elementary School


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