Five Arrested on Drug Charges Following Execution of Search Warrant at Collinsville Home

Early Thursday morning, agents with the DeKalb County Drug Task Force, the DEA and U.S. Marshalls, members of the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Task Force, DeKalb County Sheriff’s deputies and members of the Collinsville Police Department, all traveled to a home located on County Road 51 near Collinsville.

Once there, agents served a DEA warrant on 56 year old Johnny Ray Burt of Collinsville.

The warrant was the result of a six month long investigation by the DEA and DeKalb County Drug Task Force. While at the residence, a search warrant was obtained and as a result of a subsequent search, methamphetamine, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia was discovered.

Four other individuals at the residence were arrested, including 32 year old Jennifer Burke of Fyffe, 35 year old Dawson resident Kirby Hood – and Stephanie Solis age 31 and Timothy White age 39 – both of Collinsville.  All four were charged with the Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance, Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd Degree, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Loitering in a Drug House.

DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden said of the arrests: “I’d like to commend our Drug Task Force Agents and our state and federal partners for a job well done in this investigation.”

“It’s vitally important in the fight to rid our communities of drugs that we work together at the federal, state, county, and local level. If we ever want to win this fight, it takes a joint effort by all involved,”

