Chattooga County Superintendent Jimmy Lenderman Resigns

Chattooga County School Superintendent Jimmy Lenderman resigned last Friday afternoon.

Lenderman – who had served as superintendent since 2011 – said he was quitting because of a “caustic situation” that had developed between the current board of education and the parents and told WRCB TV in Chattanooga on Friday, he could no longer serve with a board of education that refused to hear the voice of the people.  Lenderman’s resignation came on the heels of the resignation of board of education member John Turner who told the others on the board that there was “no need” for him to be on the board of education after the other members voted to remove an item on the agenda at Thursday night’s meeting which would have allowed for more discussion on a change from a four-day school week to a five-day week.

Superintendent Lenderman said in his resignation letter to the board of education – that he wished he could stay, however he does not want to be associated with the current board of education.

(AM1180 Chattooga County Radio)
