Latest Weather Update – Flood Warning Issued for Coosa River at Weiss Dam affecting Cherokee County…

The National Weather Service in Birmingham has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Alabama – Coosa River at Weiss Dam affecting Cherokee, Calhoun, Coosa, Etowah, Shelby, St. Clair and Talladega counties; and the Coosa River at Logan Martin Dam, affecting Chilton, Coosa, Elmore, Shelby, St. Clair and Talladega counties.

The heavy rainfall during the past several days is producing “rises” on the Coosa River – the Flood Warning is expected to be in effect to late Monday night.

As of 9:00am Thursday (February 21st) the stage was 565.2 feet and flood stage at 567 feet with minor flooding forecast.  The levels are expected to rise above flood stage by Saturday evening and continue to rise to near 567.1 feet early Sunday afternoon with the river falling below flood stage by Monday afternoon.

At 567 feet flooding of lakeside property occurs, affecting docks, boathouses and so on.

As we’ve mentioned, this type of weather system also affects travel.  Surface soil conditions are already saturated and much of the rainfall will run off quickly, filling all low lying areas, ditches, and creeks.  The local rivers and streams will also continue to rise due to excessive rainfall locally, and across upstream river basins.

Here at WEIS Radio we’ve measured a total of 7.26 inches of rain over the last six days.

Motorists should exercise caution during this type weather – watch for ponding, excessive run-off and water standing on the edge of the roadways.  Also be aware that debris may be on the roads from the fast-running water – that includes small to medium-sized rocks, tree limbs and even downed trees.  Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going safely.


Showers and thunderstorms

High of 58




Low of 50



Cloudy with showers and thunderstorms

High of 67


Friday Night


Low of 54



Mostly Cloudy with a 50% chance of showers.

High of 73


Sunday and Monday

Mostly Sunny

High each day around 60


We have a couple of trouble spots that you need to be aware of:

A small portion of County Road 144 in Cedar Bluff, between County Road 553 and Highway 68 has been officially closed due to water being over the roadway – Cherokee County EMA officials stress that you should NEVER move and/or drive around barricades.  They’re there for a reason – and that’s your safety!

We’ve also had reports of water being across the roadway on a portion of County Road 535, off of Highway 75 in Cedar Bluff.

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