Congressman Mike Rogers Report from Washington: Putting Americans First

Congressman Mike Rogers Report from Washington:  Putting Americans First

America may be a country of immigrants, but it’s also a country of laws.  No one is exempt from those laws regardless of what some local officials in sanctuary cities may think.

As you may have seen on the news recently, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently announced a lawsuit against the State of California for failure to completely cooperate with federal immigration enforcement officers. I stand with AG Sessions’ decision.

From the mayors and local politicians disregarding federal immigration law to the illegal immigrants they are prioritizing over American citizens, it’s about time we hold these lawless individuals accountable. 

The “leaders” in these cities are violating their oath of office and the Constitution. They should be immediately removed from their positions and the illegal immigrants they are protecting should be deported. Period.

I agree with President Trump that we need to strengthen our borders. We should build the wall and we should continue to support law enforcement’s crackdown on violent foreign gangs like MS-13.

These efforts mean nothing though if illegal immigrants and criminals can continue to seek refuge in some of our country’s largest cities.

It boils down to fairness, safety and what it means to be a sovereign nation. 

A country without borders is hardly a country at all. I’m fed up with seeing the tax dollars from hard-working families across East Alabama go to cities who snub their nose at the very ideals that make America great. Congress should withhold funding from sanctuary cities that refuse to uphold federal law.

President Trump has proven his tough stance on illegal immigration is much more than just campaign rhetoric. He has already done so much to curtail our illegal immigration crisis but he can’t do it alone. 

Elected officials – from the state and local level to Members of Congress – must do their part. And if they refuse, then they aren’t fit for public service.

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Congressman Mike Rogers would like to invite the citizens of Cherokee County to visit with one of his staff members at his mobile office at Centre City Hall the first Wednesday of each month, from 9:00 – 11:00am.  Rogers says he hopes local citizens will take advantage of the visits to express their concerns regarding the federal government directly to one of his staff members.
