Cherokee County GOP Welcomes Commissioners Parker and Teague

District I Commissioner Randy Jones, District II Commissioner Kimball Parker, Commission Chairman Kirk Day, District III Commissioner Marcie Foster, District IV Commissioner Carlton Teague

Cherokee County GOP Welcomes Commissioners Parker and Teague

Earlier in the week the Cherokee County Republican Party voted to receive two more elected officials to the GOP.  According to Republican Party Chairman Josh Summerford, the GOP welcomed County Commissioners Carlton Teague and Kimball Parker to the Republican Party. The addition of Commissioner Teague and Commissioner Parker changes the makeup of the Cherokee County Commission to an all Republican commission. 

Commissioner Teague said, “When I was elected, I pledged to support the Constitution of the United States and Constitution of the State of Alabama.  I also promised to listen to the concerns and needs of the county taxpayers.  I have done this to the best of my ability and desire to continue to serve.  Today, the very constitutions I pledged to uphold are under attack and I cannot align myself with groups who attack or attempt to diminish the role of the Constitution.  I am a conservative person and as Commissioner, I have made decisions regarding the county budget in the same manner as I do my personal checking account.  I operate on the belief that we should always do what is right.  As an avid hunter and fisherman, and a member of the NRA, I am a strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights.  My principles align with those found in the platform of the Republican Party.  My goal is to always make Cherokee County an even better place and I will always work hard and be a voice for the citizens of District 4 and for all Cherokee County citizens.”

District 2 Commissioner Kimball Parker stated, “I have been considering and praying about this decision for a while.  I have decided to continue my service to the people of our great county with the Republican Party. I feel my conservative values align more with the Republican Party.  I will continue to strive to do the best job I can, as I have done for the past 10 years as your County Commissioner for District 2.”

Chairman Summerford said, “We are excited as we move the GOP forward and continue to grow our conservative party.”




