Cherokee County Coroner Dr. Jeremy Deaton has released the names of four people killed Tuesday night after the Saturn SUV they were in went into Weiss Lake at the Leesburg Landing just before 7:00 p.m., crews are continuing the search for one victim still missing.
According to Dr. Deaton the victims have been identified as Robert Hardin, Christy Hobson, Dale Steven Keener and Cheryl Hobson, Deaton says that the cause of death appears to be fresh water drowning. The victims are between the ages of 20s to 40s.
Rescue workers are still searching for Bobby Shore.
Dr. Deaton says that at this time it appears that Cheryl Hobson, who lived in Cherokee County, was apparently the mother of Christy Hardin. Robert Hardin was the driver of the vehicle, the other victims are apparently residents of Jefferson County. Authorities are still gathering information but believe the group was in the area to visit Hobson at the time of the incident.
Two women survived the incident, both were taken to a Gadsden hospital. One was treated and released last night. Investigators are still working to determine just why the incident happened.
The vehicle was in approximately 18 feet of water and it was recovered at around 11 p.m. The search was suspended around 1 a.m. today and resumed at first light.