Obama Lights Torch for Clinton to Carry in Last Day of Campaign Speeches

Alyssa S. for Hillary For America(ANN ARBOR, Mich.) — In the first of his speeches on this last day of campaigning before Election Day, President Obama on Monday framed a Hillary Clinton presidency as the natural continuation of his own, urging voters to be as excited for her election as they were for his own.

Speaking to a crowd at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Obama implored the crowd: “Michigan, I ask you to do for Hillary what you did for me. I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me. I ask you to make her better, the same way you made me better.”

The president appeared nostalgic as he spoke about what he said will be his last day of campaigning “for a while.”

He did not spend much time during this speech bashing Clinton’s opponent Donald Trump, although he did say that Trump took a long time to disavow Ku Klux Klan members who supported him, and that he appears to be more arrogant when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about than when he does.

Obama also decried what he called a “dust cloud of nonsense” driven by people watching certain candidates speak and then parroting that speech on social media.

“I’ve had to bite my tongue after a lot of the nonsense I’ve heard about Hillary. I know Chelsea has,” Obama said, pointing to Chelsea Clinton, who introduced Obama at the event.

The president’s Michigan speech was his first of three on Election Day Eve: He next travels to New Hampshire and then ends his day with the Clinton family and first lady Michelle Obama at the grand finale rally in Philadelphia.

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