Donald Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway Accepts Results of FBI Review

ABC News(NEW YORK) — Donald Trump’s campaign manager today said she accepts that FBI Director James Comey has reaffirmed his decision not to charge Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server.

“I do accept that,” she told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America.

Comey had told Congress two weeks ago the agency found emails that may be related to the Clinton investigation, but told Congress this weekend that after further review, his decision still stood.

“I’m just so dismayed that Democrats attacked Jim Comey so viciously a week ago and now he’s a hero,” Conway continued. “It doesn’t help Hillary Clinton that we’re still talking about the emails. … I think she would rather be on a more positive message.

“She lied about having classified information,” Conway added. “That’s why her honesty and trustworthy numbers have never really budged.”

Comey had this summer called Clinton’s use of a private server as secretary of state “extremely careless” and revealed she had information on the server that was classified at the time.

Conway today also praised Trump for his rigorous travel schedule in the final days of the campaign, adding she is encouraged with Trump’s standing in the early-vote and get-out-the-vote efforts. “Republicans traditionally have a strong day-of vote and we anticipate that,” she said.

She says an upper-Midwest state like Michigan, Wisconsin or Minnesota, or a Rocky Mountain state like Colorado, will be the one to put Trump over the top.
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