Department Heads Present Quarterly Reports During Tuesday’s Meeting Of The Centre City Council

During the Centre City Council meeting Tuesday afternoon, the quarterly department reports were given. The Building Inspector report reflected permits issued totaled $722,244 for the quarter. Three were commercial, eight were residential, and four sign permits. He also gave the council an update on the Armory Building renovation with all asbestos material removed and the other work in progress.

The Fire Chief reported 58 calls answered for the quarter, 19 were structure fires, 2 vehicle fires, 7  grass fires, 16 auto accidents, 9 alarms and 5 others. The department also reported 424 man hours of live fire training.

The Police Chief reported 153 incident and offense reports with 89 arrests, issued 15 non traffic citations, 28 accident reports, issued 105 traffic citations with 62 warnings.

The Park and Recreation Director reported Soccer season underway with 88 players on 12 teams. He also reported the new lighting for the tennis courts would soon be in. He told the council he would be purchasing 65 bags of rye grass seed for the baseball and softball fields at a cost of just more than $3300 which is in the budget.

The Street and Sanitation supervisor reported the roadside mowing has been underway and painting street signs. One of residential garbage trucks needs repairs at a cost of $6153 which was approved by the Council.

In other business the Council approved stripping of just over 13 miles of streets at a cost of $22000. The purchase of a quad cab 4 wheel drive truck was also approved for the Street and Sanitation department from the State’s Bid List at a cost of $32,629.

The next meeting of the Centre City Council will be October 25th at 5pm in the Council Chambers.



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