Congressman Mike Rogers Continues Fight for Anniston Army Depot

Rogers Continues Fight for Anniston Army Depot

Meets with Top Army Generals

27 Feb 14 Gen Via and Rep Rogers

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Fighting for the long-term strength and security of East Alabama’s vital military installations is “one of my number one missions,” says Congressman Mike Rogers. This week, Rogers continued that fight by meeting with key military officers that oversee the Anniston Army Depot.

MG Michael Terry, Commanding General, TACOM Life Cycle Management Command has direct command over the Depot. General Dennis L. Via, the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Materiel Command has overall control over the Army depot system and maintenance.  Rogers met with both leaders to continue ongoing discussions of the strategic importance of the Anniston Army Depot (ANAD) to our nation’s warfighters and to the Army.

Rogers met with MG Terry to discuss out year funding for the Depot and the general health of what is called the Army’s “organic base.” This refers to Army owned and operated installations like ANAD which overhaul and upgrade key weapons systems for our troops. Rogers says he is always on the lookout for ways to help ensure facilities like the Depot maintain and grow their missions, especially in times of tight defense budgets.

Rogers also had the chance to visit with Gen. Via, who oversees Army logistics, materiel readiness and all depots, this morning at a breakfast meeting of the House Depot Caucus.

“I was glad to have the opportunity to once again connect with both MG Terry and Gen. Via this week to discuss the importance of the Depot to our men and women in uniform and reiterated my ongoing support for this and other vital military installations,” Rogers said.

Rogers serves as Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces subcommittee.

27 Feb 14 Rep Rogers and MG Terry

