Schools To Get 20 Percent Of Centre Alcohol Tax Money

centre council 10222013

Some unresolved issues stirred up lively debate at Tuesday night’s Centre City Council Meeting.

Councilman Derrick Wheeler once again made a motion regarding the use of alcohol tax revenue.

The original motion would give 20-percent each to police, fire, street and sanitation, the city’s general fund and schools within the City of Centre.

Mayor Tony Wilkie asked why the Recreation Department was left out, especially since money is needed to put up the lights at the new Dixie Youth Field.

Wheeler then changed his motion to include the Rec. Department.

The motion passed with Council Member Bess Yarbrough abstaining. Mayor Wilkie voted “No” saying that the money should be spent on city needs instead of giving it to the school system.

He then expressed concerns about what may lie ahead regarding the budget.

The City’s Budget is just over 3-million dollars while the Cherokee County School System Budget is 10-times that at 38-million.

Another contentious issue brought up during Tuesday’s council meeting had to do with a proposal presented by Councilman Marc Johnson for the city annex the Cherokee County Country Club.

Later on, Councilman Harry Moon made a motion regarding brining up new business at council meetings.

Mayor Wilkie agreed.

The motion was approved by a vote of 4 to 3 with Wheeler, Johnson and Phillip Roberts voting “No.”

