Second Verse – Same as the First

Mary Jane CloudWhat a difference a day makes.

Well, actually in this case – the difference was NONE.

A Summerville woman was arrested for DUI, by the same officer, in the same part of town – two days in a row according to the Summerville News.

56 year old Mary Jane Cloud was pulled over by Police Officer Roy Williams, Friday, June 14th, at 7:36pm on Highway 114 – after he witnessed her almost crash her vehicle into a pickup truck, and continue down the road weaving back and forth.

According to the arrest report the woman admitted to taking several prescription medications and she was booked into the Chattooga County Jail shortly thereafter.

Approximately 24 hours later the officer experienced a case of déjà vu, when he witnessed Cloud driving along the same stretch of road, managing to use both sides of the roadway before missing a turn and hitting a curb then heading back onto the highway – but she didn’t get far.

She was pulled over and given a ride back to jail where she was booked in on DUI with failure to maintain a single lane and failure to yield to on-coming traffic.

(Summerville News)

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