Mike Rogers: Iran Fires Up Rocket Program While Obama Weakens U.S. Missile Defense

Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL), Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces subcommittee, made the following statement after Iran’s successful launch of an advanced missile that put a satellite in orbit this week:

Mike Rogers x3“In light of the President’s world view along with his almost $4 trillion in spending proposed this week, I am deeply concerned about his priorities.  I cannot idly sit back and watch while he continues to recklessly weaken our military.

“While rogue states like Iran develop sophisticated ballistic missile systems and space satellite programs, President Obama continues to turn his back on any type of long-term strategy for our military and national defense. Missile defense, in which Alabama plays a critical role, has been a particular target of this Administration and the current budget request reflects that the President – who famously once stated ‘I do not support a missile defense system’ – hasn’t changed his tune.

“This is also a deeply disturbing development to our friend and ally Israel. Iran’s continued threats to destroy Israel along with their advances in missile technology should be of the utmost concern to the United States. Instead of making it a priority to defend one of our strongest allies, President Obama coddles Iran, cultivates a distant relationship with Israel and continues to recommend budgets to degrade our own missile defenses.

“The past six years of damage the President has wrought to our missile defenses is breathtaking. From  the arbitrary slashing-and-burning of the Missile Defense Agency budget to the multiple concessions to Russia that have left the U.S. and its allies more vulnerable to the opposition to an East Coast site for launching defensive weapons against our enemies even when the military has made clear its value to defense of the homeland.

“The President may be in the White House for two more years, but, as far as I’m concerned, he’s already a lame duck when it comes to his defense budget requests. I will continue to fight to strengthen our military, and to support policies that protect our security and those of our closest allies like Israel, which remain in harm’s way of enemy states like Iran.”
