Cherokee County- County Commission Meeting:
At the most recent Cherokee County Commission meeting, The Commission voted to vacate a portion of old county road 745 in District 4. This parcel measures eleven hundredths of an acre. This action was taken after a Public Hearing was held on the matter and there were no objections.
There were 2 reappointments to the Centre-Piedmont-Cherokee County Regional Airport Board. Grant Ratliff was reappointed to seat 1 and Andy Ellis was reappointed to seat 2 for 3 year terms.
The speed limit was changed on county road 38 from 45 to 35 miles per hour. The reason for the change was due to delivery vehicle drivers speeding through the neighborhood. The Citizens wanted a safer community.
The Commission adopted a resolution with ALDOT for work being performed at the intersection of HWY 273 and county road 275 and authorized the Chairman to sign.
A Hobart Mixer from the Jail was declared as surplus property to be sold at the next public auction.
It was approved for the County to let bids for 2 Chevrolet 2 wheel drive Tahoes.
A Standard architect agreement with Patricia E Sherman, as Architect for the proposed Animal Shelter Project and authorized the Chairman to sign. At the previous Commission meeting the Animal Control Officer, Dustin Dutton, proposed the County utilize the old Weiss Lake Egg Building on highway 411 as an animal shelter for the county. In order to get an idea of the cost, an architect will need to draw the plans for the specifications of the project. The cost for this is 7.7 percent cost of the project.
An agreement to approve Region 2 Alabama Works Local Elected Consortium into local agreement was approved by the Commission.
The Commission voted to go into an executive session to discuss pending or threatened litigation, the purchase or sale of property, and matters of commerce or trade. After the 27 minute executive session, the Commission reconvened and made two motions. The first was to authorize the County Administrator to with draw the County from the procedural aspect of the pending opioid litigation. This does not withdraw the County from the Opioid Lawsuit.
The second motion was to approve proposed agreement between the Commission and the Board of Education for the purchase of real estate and authorized the Chairman to sign.
The next meeting of the County Commission is April 14th at 10am.