Alford’s Bend Converted into Movie Set with Gadsden Fire Department Featured Testing New Firefighting Technology

Alfords Bend- It was an intense scene when WEIS Radio News arrived in the Alford’s Bend Community on Thursday. Fire apparatuses were gathered in a rural residential neighborhood, equipment was staged across the area, as firefighters in full turnout gear stood at the ready. Their focus seeming to be on a small house sitting in a field. Initially, no smoke was visible coming from the structure, but that would soon change, as firefighters in full turnout gear rushed into the structure as flames became visible from the house.



A crowd was gathered around watching it all unfold, and we heard yelling as we approached. A man holding a bull horn was shouting. At first, we could not make out what he was saying, but as we got closer we could make out the phrase…… “And Cut!” It appeared we had stumbled onto the scene of a Hollywood movie set. As it turns out, that is very close to what was going on.



The set though was not for the next “Back-draft” or Firefighting Blockbuster movie, you may know some of the stars, and you will not be able to view it in theaters this summer. Instead, promotional footage was being filmed for some of the newest and most innovative firefighting technology that is available to firefighters to help them save lives, work more efficiently, and help them perform their jobs in a safer way.

The Gadsden Fire Department, and firefighters from Herculaneum, Missouri were selected to participate in the filming showcasing technology from Quake Technologies and IDEX Fire and Safety. Firefighters from “B” Shift, and staff officers from the Gadsden Fire Department were there and participating as well as representatives from the City of Gadsden. It was a double opportunity for the Gadsden Fire Department, as it gave them firsthand the chance to be hands-on and see the benefits of the equipment demonstrated, as well as to be part of the production. Not only did the Gadsden Firefighters have the opportunity to check it out, but we at WEIS radio did as well.


WEIS News Director Tony Hathcock Tries Out Qwake Technologies C-THRU Device


When we arrived, we met up with Public Information Officer Lecil Harrelson of the Gadsden Fire Department who introduced us to representatives of the companies who demonstrated two systems that were being featured that day.

The first thing we were shown was Qwake Technologies C-THRU, a visual communication and navigation system from the San Francisco based company. It uses Augmented Reality (AR) technology and consists of the Navigator that mounts to the front of a standard firefighting helmet and operates much like a Heads-Up Device (HUD) that fighter pilots use. It works in tandem with the Visual Command, a tablet like device that uses streaming video and visual resource coordination which provides visual incident management which can dramatically increase situational awareness, accountability, and coordination for those on scene. It allows an incident commander or fire control to see images from the firefighters and communicate with them in real time.

Firefighters can look through the Navigator device and see a type of imaging that helps them “see thru” the smoke assisted by a laser. Talking to some Gadsden firefighters that had the opportunity to the test the C-THRU, they had nick named it “Predator Vision” in reference to 1987 film where the Alien viewed things in thermal terms. Quake Technologies CEO Sam Cossman also used a movie reference in describing it to us, saying it looked much like the colors and imagery used in “Tron.”


The technology allows firefighters to have a much better idea of where they are in a structure and know what is in front of them. In a fire, with heavy smoke, you often cannot see more than a matter of inches in front of you, if at all. This ability will allow firefighters to navigate and move much more quickly through a structure fire. Of course, in a situation where lives are at stake, every extra second could be the difference in saving a life or not. This also greatly improves firefighters safely as well. With all that these men and women risk on a daily basis, any tool you can put in their hand, or in this case, in front of their face, that does that could be invaluable.

We found the system featured by the Department of Homeland Security here:

Quake Technologies CEO Sam Cossman was kind enough to give us some time to tell us about the product firsthand: (Insert Video)

For more on Sam Cossman:

Following the event, we spoke with some firefighters who had the opportunity to use the equipment in the controlled fire. They spoke highly of the C-Thru saying the technology behind it is “amazing.” They stated it was “a really cool experience” to get to work in partnership with the company and have the chance to get familiar with the gear. Some were already familiar with it in theory, from videos from the guys from “Fire Department Coffee” and “Fire Department Chronicles.” They said it was “really cool though” to have the opportunity to use it first-hand.



When asked about how they believed the tech could change the industry, we were told it could be a “game changer” for departments who had it. That is the phrase that kept coming up with everyone we talked to, “Game Changer.” They praised the ability to be able to see, no matter what the environment. Even with low to no light, or in heavy smoke, the ability to spot a person in a fire with it is extremely valuable. The ability to maintain a true to life depth perspective, while being aware of their physical orientation in relation to the structure and items in the room was praised.

I asked if they had the opportunity to give feedback to the company regarding the product. The said reps from the company came around asking for their opinion, and they had the opportunity to provide their thoughts and how well it functioned. When we were able to try it out, it was very natural to shift your field of vision from full, to looking through the display. It was similar to if you have shot using an ACOG device. When we tried it, we did not have a mask on, so the experience was probably a bit different for those in full gear from ours. They praised the equipment and said it would take some getting used to like any piece of equipment that is new, but that they believed that the more they used it, the more natural the process would become. They were impressed that the company has gone through several iterations of the device, and that the company was continuing to work on improvements and the unlimited potential it had.

That potential can be seen on their website at  including by non-other than Tony Stark. Yes, Ironman. If you scroll down the page on the link, you can see that video of Robert Downey Jr. Introducing the tech.

The second system we had demonstrated to us was the SAM Control system from IDEX Fire and Safety. It incorporates the world’s first and only “smart nozzle.”


The innovative SAM system makes complex pump operations simple, and much more automatic. The system is a water flow control system that manages an apparatus’s pump, tank, intakes, and discharges.  Traditionally, departments have had an engineer or pump operator who would always man the side of a pumper truck, who would be in communication with firefighters on the attack, at the other end of a hose. That firefighter’s total attention would have to be on the pump and require them to be controlling things from the panels located there. According to the inventor of the system former firefighter Jason Cerrano, that firefighter can now shift their focus to the fireground, and the firefighters that are fighting the fire. The system can also be operated and viewed from a tablet like device remotely, and away from the panel.

Cerrano, who is the Business Line Leader with IDEX Fire and Safety took some time to talk to us about the system and how it uses Radio Frequency (RF) to communicate reliably:



On top of freeing up an additional firefighter, the information available to those on attack is cutting edge and potentially life saving as well. On top of the ability to be able to call for water on the device, it provides valuable information to the firefighter on the nozzle. They know what type of water source is being delivered, the pressure they are working with, and how much water remains available. This allows them to make better informed decisions within the fire immediately. It also cuts down on time lost in communicating back and forth and the potential for a misunderstanding over the radio. This can allow firefighters to be more aggressive, and potentially reach victims, or have them better prepared to evacuate should the need arise due to a loss or expiration of the current water source.

We also had the opportunity to speak with Jim Bell, AFS Excellence Director, Brent Warwick, with Communications and Marketing, and Alyson McWherter, Vice President of Strategy and Product Dispensing regarding the system.

They showed us a demo version of the nozzle they were demonstrating to firefighters as well as the working system that was being used for the production and training that day. You can see photos from the system here:


Another interesting feature of the system is its ability to automatically adjust to pressure changes due to elevation. Fire fighters often have to climb stairs or descend into basements or other environments that can be higher or lower than the water source being used. The system will account for these changes and adjust the pressure to what is needed for the firefighter at the nozzle.

Firefighters from Herculaneum Fire Department who use the system in Missouri were participating in the filming as well and had their truck with the SAM System on location.


We were able to talk with them about their experiences using the technology. They said it was very reliable and that the benefits were seen in their day-to-day operations with it. Again, “gamechanger” came into play. They stated that the ability to have the knowledge the system provided at their fingertips was extremely valuable to their firefighting operations and that it allowed them to fight fires in a much more modern way. They praised the ability to be able to “call for” water from the nozzle itself at just the touch of the buttons located easily accessible on the side of the device. This allows them to charge the nozzle at the correct pressure from their location without assistance from someone else. The technology can be ordered in a new truck with the SAM system, or incorporated into existing trucks with the SAM Boost and retrofitted for use. On top of the device, you can still control the system from the pumper with a display on control located on the side of the truck.

Looking at the C-THRU system fitted on a helmet, one person commented that it looks like “you could see a fire in the future with that thing.” While that ability is not yet available unfortunately, it is not just the future of firefighting we are looking at with these two systems, but what is available in the present now to departments around the country. Systems that cannot only give departments the ability to operate more safely and efficiently, but most importantly save lives. One thing that was obvious with both companies we spoke with as their passion and belief system about firefighters, and the people they help daily. It was obvious that they believe in their products, and they were very happy to discuss them. We appreciate the time they took to show us and discuss these exciting tools, and for the Gadsden Fire Department to be selected in this event. We reached out to the City of Gadsden on being selected and Mayor Craig Ford had this to say:

“We’re honored that the Gadsden Fire Department was selected to take part in this pilot program. Chief Vance Brown and Training Officer Eric Estes have worked hard to coordinate this opportunity to try out new equipment from Qwake Technologies and IDEX Fire & Safety. As these companies work to develop new tools for firefighters around the country, I’m proud that Gadsden is playing a part in that.”


If any fire departments would be interested in hearing more or seeing the products demonstrated reach out to the companies with the information provided below:

A Gallery of Videos from the event is below:

More Photos and Videos From WEIS Radio:

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