Back The Blue
Governor Kay Ivey on Friday signed Senate Bill 115, the Officer Impersonation Prevention Act, sponsored by Sen. Clyde Chambliss and Rep. Ron Bolton. This bill enhances the current law regarding the offense of impersonating a police officer. SB115 eliminates a loophole that could allow unqualified individuals to unlawfully serve as law enforcement officers.
The governor also shared the following comment:
“Safeguarding the law enforcement profession is just plain common sense, and bolstering the existing law here adds one more tool in our toolbox. Every Alabamian deserves to know that the men and women entrusted with enforcing our laws are fully qualified and properly certified. Not only are we building public trust in the men and women who serve, but we are also working to better protect them and enable them to do their jobs more effectively through legislation like our Back the Blue bill, House Bill 202, working its way through the process. I look forward to all our public safety bills reaching my desk, so we can create a safer Alabama.” – Governor Kay Ivey
SB115 is part of the governor’s Safe Alabama public safety package. Earlier this week, she signed SB116 into law to impose a state ban on illegal machine gun conversion devices in Alabama. Governor Ivey began the legislative session by stating bolstering public safety is her number one priority, and she looks forward to the other bills working their way through the legislative process and reaching her desk.