Centre- A warehouse fire was called Wednesday night around 1100 PM on the property of the Cherokee County Highway Department at 1875 East Main Street in Centre.
Smoke was spotted by a passerby around 11 PM Wed evening coming from the building.
We Spoke with Centre Fire Department Chief Robert Pace this morning regarding the fire. He said that it involved some lithium batteries catching on fire. The fire was contained and limited to one room, but up to two more rooms in the building may have been effected by some smoke damage.
Speaking with representatives from the highway department, no essential equipment appears to have been damaged. They were able to remove some things including a tractor from the building.
Personnel from The Centre Fire and Police Departments, along with Spring Creek Fire, Leesburg Fire, Atrium Floyd EMS, the Cherokee County Emergency Management Agency, and Representatives from the Cherokee County Highway Department responded to the scene last night.
Another Call came in early on Thursday morning, and employee of the Highway Department, who was unaware of last nights fire, noticed some smoke coming from the building. Units were originally dispatched out on the call for the fire rekindling, but were cancelled. Employees on site were able to use an available hose to keep the fire from restarting.