Piedmont City Council Meets to Discuss City Business and Concerns
The Piedmont City Council met Tuesday March 18th the planning session took place at 5:30 PM with the regular meeting scheduled to start at 6PM. Mayor Bill Baker stated there were regular expenses amounting to $243,761.22 and two weeks of payroll amounting in $155,260.44. The total expenses were $399,021.66 a motion was made, seconded and passed to pay the bills.
Corey Horton, manager of Piedmont Power and Light, informed the council of the upcoming rate increase that will be affecting the April bill for their customers. Police Chief Nathan Johnson then gave the police report. There have been a total of 35 arrests on 53 misdemeanor charges along with 8 felony charges. The department also reported 119 traffic stops and 77 incident reports.
Fire Chief Todd Kirkland presented the fire report. The fire department answered 13 fire calls, 32 calls for rescue & emergency medical service incident, 4 calls for hazardous conditions and calls for other non-emergency situations.
The next item on the agenda was visitor comments the council heard from Ms. Linda Bell discussing the utility rate increase. The council, Mayor and City Clerk gave their reports and motion was made, second, and passed for the meeting to adjourn.