Senator Andrew Jones Has SB67 Signed Into Law

Local District 10 State Senator Andrew Jones has SB67 Signed Into Law:

Montgomery- Senator Andrew Jones, of Centre, Al recently had his Senate Bill 67 regarding restructuring the Alabama Board of Veteran’s Affairs signed into law. Governor Kay Ivey, who signed the bill had this to say:

“Alabama’s veterans deserve our very best, and I am grateful to the Alabama Legislature for its resounding support of this important legislation,” said Governor Ivey. “We will use this new structure to focus on what matters most – serving those who sacrificed so much for our freedoms – our veterans and their families.”

The Governors office also said of the bill in a release:

“The new law allows the governor to directly appoint and supervise the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs commissioner, ensuring that the Department’s leadership aligns with the governor’s vision for veteran services. This change will better leverage executive-branch resources to address pressing veteran needs – ranging from mental health and employment to education and beyond.

SB67 gives the governor more authority over the membership of the SBVA, which will shift from an oversight body to an advisory one similar to the advisory boards at various other cabinet agencies. The law gives veteran services organizations (VSOs) 60 days to provide new nominees to the governor for appointment to the board. After that, the governor may appoint a veteran of her choosing in certain circumstances, including if, for any reason, a vacancy occurs on the board.

The governor will communicate with the leadership of each of the currently recognized VSOs to begin the restructure. Governor Ivey looks forward to continued collaboration and further elevating the needs of all of Alabama’s 400,000 veterans.”

The Bill went through a series of amendments before it’s passing, which we had previously reported on here:

The law aligns the governance structure of the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs (ADVA) with that of other agencies in the governor’s cabinet, bringing even more accountability.

“Elevating the commissioner of the Department of Veterans Affairs to a cabinet-level position is certainly the right path forward for Alabama when it comes to better serving and supporting our veterans,” said Sen. Jones. “I want to thank Governor Ivey for her leadership on this issue, as well as my colleagues in the Legislature for prioritizing veteran needs in our state.”

After signing SB67, Governor Ivey also announced she is appointing Brigadier General Jeffrey Newton to serve as commissioner.


Jones also said :

“Today Governor Kay Ivey signed SB67 into law, elevating the Commissioner of Veterans Affairs to a cabinet-level position. I was proud to stand with the Governor as Senate sponsor of this legislation. After signing the bill into law, Governor Ivey announced her appointment of Brigadier General Jeffrey Newton to serve as commissioner. Jeff will do a fantastic job advocating for Alabama veterans!

The bill was initially opposed in its original form by some, including Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth. After the amendments to the bill though, it had little trouble working it’s way to Governor Ivey’s Desk for her signature. Jones is the chair for the Alabama Veteran’s, Military Affairs, and Public Safety Chair. In talking with Jones during the process of the bill working it’s wat through Montgomery he felt the bill was best to represent all veteran’s of Alabama, and give even more veteran’s that might not feel represented a voice. He said only a quarter of Alabama veteran’s are members of Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) and that the bill would give those veterans who are not VSO members more of a say in the organization that represents them.

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