Body Discovered off Highway 9 Causeway Between Centre and Cedar Bluff

Just before Noon today a call went out that a body had been discovered at the boat ramp off of the Highway 9 Causeway.

Officials from the Joint Major Crimes unit responded including the Coroners Office, Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office, Centre Police Department, Leesburg Police Department, Cherokee County EMA, as well as The Alabama State Troopers, Rescue Squad, Cedar Bluff Fire, and Atrium Floyd Health EMS.

The Center of Applied Forensics from JSU was also dispatched to assist in the investigation.

The Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office will be in charge of the investigation.

At this time, the identity of the person located has not been released, and the cause of death remains under investigation.

This body was located between the boat ramp and dock area at the ramp.

We will continue to monitor this story, and report back as more information becomes available.

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