Centre City Council Meets to Discuss Agenda and Other Business

The Centre City Council met Tuesday for their work session and general meeting. The work session began at 4:30 P.M with the meeting beginning at 5 P.M. Council members Cothran, Davis, Howell, Moon, Roberts, and Yarbrough were in attendance along with Mayor Mark Mansfield, council member Kelly was absent from the proceedings.

The meeting was called to order with the first item on the agenda being the approval of the February 25th meeting minutes. The council then heard from Shawn Roberts on the adoption of the Divison F Regional Hazard Mitigation plan which is required by FEMA.  A motion was made, seconded, and passed to adopt the Division F Plan as required by FEMA.

A motion was made to adopt an ordinance to change the location of the designated voting place the motion was seconded and passed. The next item for discussion was to adopt an ordinance to establish the office of public defender for the city of Centre. The motion was made seconded and passed the council then made another motion, which was seconded and passed, to hire Piedmont attorney Richard Couch as the public defender for $600.00 a month.

The council proclaimed the week of March 31st –April 4th as city clean up week. The council authorized advertisement for the clean-up week. Trash bags will be provided at city hall.

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