Cedar Bluff Held Their Regularly Scheduled Town Council Meeting on Tuesday:
The Town Council approved the Fireworks Display over the lake for Saturday June 28th at 9pm. This will be paid for with Grant Money already received. Mayor Crane and Police Chief Jeremy Stepps said the Town does not have enough man power with current employees to host the Annual Liberty Day Festivities. The Cedar Bluff Fire Department will have their annual Boston Butt Sale as a fund raiser for the department.
Police Chief Jeremy Stepps gave the Monthly Department Report with the 11,985 miles patrolled, issued 110 warnings, 24 citations, made 4 felony arrests, 18 misdemeanors arrests, served 14 warrants, issued 33 incident and offense reports, and checked businesses 8040 times.
The Fire Department report was given by Chief Steven Kimmons, with 3 woods fires, 2 brush fires, 3 grass fires, 17 assists other departments, 1 aircraft standby, with a total of 38 calls answered.
The Building Inspector, Mark Baty, gave his report with
The Council approved $1200 in support of the CED Mental Health Drug Program for the Schools.
The Resolution for the AT&T Lease Agreement was tabled until the Town received the official document for the Mayor to sign.
A bid from Midian Roofing of Rome was approved to repair the Police Department Building in the amount of $6680.
The Next Meeting of the Cedar Bluff Town Council is set for April 14th with planning session at 5:00 pm and meeting at 5:30.