The Town Council approved the minutes from the January 13th meeting but when it was time to approve the financials for the Town, no Council member made a motion to accept them as presented.Police Chief Jeremy Stepps gave the Police Report for January with 29 citations issued, 86 warnings, 2 felony arrests, 8 misdemeanor arrests, served 12 warrants, issued 30 incident and offense reports, patrolled 11,499 miles and checked the businesses 6640 times.
Fireman Bill Warren gave the Fire Department Report with 2 building fires, 1 vehicle fire, 1 woods fire, 1 grass fire, medical assists 16, 1 vehicle accident with injuries, 2 vehicle accidents without injuries, assisted police 3, with a total of 35 incidents for the month.
Building Inspector Mark Baty gave his report of 3 Building permits issued and 120 Camper Permits issued.The Council approved the application of Donald Medaris for firefighter pending background check and clean drug screening.The Council approved a budget for this fiscal year on a 4 to 2 vote.An executive session was listed on the agenda but was never brought up.The meeting was adjourned.The next meeting of the Cedar Bluff Town Council be on March 10th at 5pm.