Cherokee County Commission Meets:
The Cherokee County Commission held its regularly scheduled meeting Monday morning. There were no comments scheduled from the public. A roll call was called to establish Quorum. Chairman Tim Burgess and Commissioners Randy Jones of District 1, Dr. Roger Nichols of District2, Ronnie Shaw of District 3, Shaw, and Cartlon Teague of District 4. were present.
Following the pledge and invocation, a motion and approval were made to the agenda. The previous meeting minutes and approved payables were passed.
There were no reports to be made by department heads of staff and agencies, and no public hearings were scheduled for the day.
In old business, announcements were made regarding the appointment or reappointment to positions. These announcements were made by Chairman Burges:
(1) The Appointment/reappointment of (1) positions on the Cherokee County County Communications District will take place at the Monday, February 24th, 2025 meeting. These are four year terms ending in January of 2029. Submit-al of resumes, letters, etc will be accepted through Wed Feb, 19th 2025 until the close of business in the Commission Office
(2) The appointment/reappointment of one (1) Position on the Cherokee County Public Library Board will take place at the Monday, February 24th, 2005 meeting. This is a four-year term ending in January of 2029. Submittal of resumes, letters, etc will be accepted through Wed Feb, 19th 2025 until the close of business in the Commission Office
(3) The Appointment of one (1) position on the Northeast Alabama Water and Sewer Authority will take place at the Monday, February 24th, 2025 meeting. This is a four-year unexpired term that will end in January 2027. Submittal of resumes, letters, etc will be accepted through Wed Feb, 19th 2025 until the close of business in the Commission Office
In new business A motion was made and passed to reappoint Tammi East to the Cherokee County Water Board to fill a six year term ending in March, 2031. A Motion was made and passed to accept the petition to vacate a .11 acre parcel of what was once old County Road 745 and set a public hearing for the matter on March 24th, 2025 at 5:00 PM. A motion was made and passed to approve a Tax Exempt Municipal Lease Agreement with NCL Government Capitol for the purpose of acquiring a 2026 Freightliner M2 dump truck, and authorize the commissioner to sign. A motion was also made and passed to Approve a Lease Agreement with Quadient for a new postage machine at a cost of 216.25 per month for 36 months and authorize the chairman to sign.
The Commission then moved into executive session for the Purchase or Sale of Property in accordance to (Section 7a, 6 of Act 2005-40 ). Atty Bill Hawkins verified the legal purpose of the Executive Session.
If any further information becomes available, we will update the story.
The next scheduled meeting is the February, 24th meeting .