Credit Card Scam Strikes Local Area Things to Look Out for

Times have certainly changed especially in the way we pay for things we most likely use our credit cards to purchase dinner or whatever we need. In this new world of cyber currency and credit there are those who want to steal not just your money but your information as well. One tactic that is used here in Alabama to try to steal your information is called Phishing.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is the process of sending emails that look like they have come from a reputable company such as Capital one, Amazon, Wal-Mart and others. They can even have the company logos on the email.


We here at WEIS radio received a “phishing” email. The picture below was taken direct from our email account. As you can see at glance it looks like an authentic communication from Capital one. Several people across our area have received similar emails.


What Do I Need To Look For?

Phishing scam emails usually have certain aspects in common. Most times they will ask you to click a link, or give personal information such as your business bank account, or other information like social security numbers. Another tactic used in phishing scams they usually try to pressure you into taking an action or something bad will happen to you. They want to you to react without thinking the situation through.




What Are Some Things I can Look For If I think it’s a Scam?

The first tip is to not click on any link attached to the email there is a good chance if you do click the link or enter any passwords the other party will likely have access to your personal information.


The Second tip would be to use your pointer to hover of the email address and see what it actually is. Here at WEIS when I hovered over what appeared to be an email from Capital One the actual email was This email obviously is not from Capital One.


The third tip would be to call the company that the email is allegedly from. Call their verified phone number and confirm it is a communication from them. You can find out more about Phishing attacks and Cyber Scams at


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