Waffle House to Add Temporary Up Charge on Eggs
I am sure you have heard the old saying about do not put all your eggs in one basket. That rings true more today, because if you were to drop your basket, it could be an expensive mistake.
Due to the Avian Flu, there is a reported egg shortage across the nation, that is causing egg prices to noticeably increase. There is no relief in sight, as the U.S. Department of Agriculture has predicted that prices look to go up at least another 20% from where they are currently.
Unfortunately, in most cases, if the flu is detected in a flock, the flock has to be culled and put down. This is leading to shortages in laying hens across the country. Even if the flu were to suddenly go away, the time it would take to grow chickens to a mature laying age would take some time, so it looks as if the problem is not going away anytime in the immediate future.
Here in the South, we often judge a problem based on a familiar indicator. The WAHO Index. That’s right, the Waffle House. We judge the severity of a hurricane by how many remain open, and the location of those that close. Why then, would we not look to it to gauge agricultural and economic impacts? Right now, the Wafle House is trying not to crack under the egg pressure. With eggs being the best selling item on the menu, even ahead of their famous hash browns, they are feeling the pinch. Waffle House states they sell over 272 Million Eggs a year. It is easy to see how that much of an increase would cut quickly into profits.
To help re “coup” the extra material cost of eggs, they are temporarily planning on placing a 50 Cent surcharge on each egg served. Depending on what you order, this could add up on your next Waffle House run. Waffle House states that the increase is only temporary, but you should expect it to run the duration of the shortages.
Let’s just hope we do not see another potato famine anywhere on the horizon.